
Hi, I’m Tsargoth, you can call me Tsar. I suppose if you’re here you’re likely wondering at least a little bit about who I am. I’m an otherkin dragon that’s been around for quite a while now. I’m not overly active in any online communities anymore but I was around twenty or so years ago. Life seems to get pretty busy and I’ve grown more private than I have been in my youth. I’m also more than a little bit of a nerd having taken to computers growing up. Nowadays that isn’t all that strange but when I was growing up… Well the 80286 was still rather new and PCs in the home were far from common. My belief that I am otherkin is something I don’t usually discuss outside of online friends. At work and around the neighborhood I’m a pretty ordinary and apparently boring guy, like I said I’m pretty private. Here though is my space. A place where I can open up even if just a little bit about things that interest me, about some of my creations and idea, maybe the occasional story and a bit of art, toys I’ve collected or have recently seen, video games I’m playing or looking forward to… Just a place where at least a little of who I am can peek out.

While I do intend to be a little bit more open here I’ll refrain from getting too personal here. I’ve tried that before and it just didn’t work out too well. What’s the point of writing about my inner most thoughts online if I can’t really let anyone else ever read them? So while things here might seem a bit more superficial its just me trying to keep a certain level of privacy. Like I can’t very well rant about my work if there is the possibility of my employer seeing it. I can’t go ranting about my family either for similar reasons. I’m not against opening up… I’m against being too open in a public space and a website is rather public. 

I’ll just say two final things here quick. I’m not perfect. I have my issues like everyone else does but I do try to be friendly and a good person. If you want to talk please feel free to drop me a line. This dragon doesn’t bite unless asked to very nicely. Lastly, if you are under the age of 18, its best if you just move along and forget this site exists.

Other places to find me

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